To crack the NEET UG 2023 exam, candidates need to attempt all 180 questions and score high marks. The NEET exam comprises 180 multiple-choice questions that are divided into three sections – Physics, Chemistry, and Biology (Botany and Zoology). Each section consists of 45 questions, and each question carries four marks.
The exam has a total of 720 marks, and candidates must aim to score as high as possible to secure a good rank. However, it is not necessary to attempt all the questions to crack the exam. Candidates must attempt the questions that they are confident about and avoid spending too much time on difficult questions.
It is important to manage time effectively and attempt all the sections within the given time frame. Candidates must allocate sufficient time to each section, attempt easy questions first, and avoid spending too much time on difficult questions.
In conclusion, to crack the NEET UG 2023 exam, candidates must aim to attempt all 180 questions, score high marks, and manage time effectively. Attempting the questions that you are confident about, and avoiding guesswork can increase the chances of scoring well in the exam.